Service Broker API
The Service Broker (SB) API (full
documentation) enables service providers to expose there offers to applications running on Cloud Foundry (CF). Implementing this contract, allows the CF Cloud Controller (CC) to communicate with the service provider in order to:
- Catalog Management: register the offering catalog (e.g. different service plans),
- Provisioning: create/delete a service instance (e.g. create a new MongoDB collection),
- Binding: connect/deconnect a CF application to a provisioned service instance.
For each of these possible actions, there an endpoint defined in the Service Broker contract.
1. Catalog Management
The Service Broker (full
documentation) should expose an endpoint for catalog management that provides information on the service itself in a JSON format, the different plans (e.g. free or not) that can be consumed by applications, some meta-data that describe the service.
# The Cloud Controller sends the following request
GET http://broker-url/v2/catalog
# The Service Broker may reply as follows
< HTTP/1.1 200 OK
< Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8
planUpdatable: false,
id: "a unique service identifier",
name: "service name",
description: "service description",
bindable: true,
plan_updateable: false,
tags: [ ],
metadata: { },
requires: [ ],
dashboard_client: null
2. Provisioning
The provisioning consists of synchronous actions that the Service Broker performs on demand from the CC to create a new or destroy an existing resource for the application. The CC sends PUT message with a designated instance identifier. Once the actions are performed, the Service Broker replies with the service and plan identifiers in a JSON format.
# The Cloud Controller sends the following request
PUT http://broker-url/v2/service_instances/:instance_id
service_id: "service identifier"
plan_id: "plan identifier"
organization_guid: "ORG identifier"
space_id: "SPACE identifier"
# The Service Broker may reply as follows
< HTTP/1.1 201 Created
< Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8
A service instance once created can be updated (e.g. upgrading service consumption plan). For this, the same query is sent to the SB with a body containing only the attribute to update:
3. Binding
Binding allows CF application to connect to a provisioned service instance and to start consuming the offered plan. When the SB receives a binding request from a CC, it replies with a the
necessary information (e.g. service url, authentication information, etc.) for the CF application to utilize the offered service.
# The Cloud Controller sends the following request
PUT http://broker-url/v2/service_instances/:instance_id/service_bindings/:binding_id
# The Service Broker may reply as follows
< HTTP/1.1 201 Created
< Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8
For unbinding the application from the service, the SB receives on the same URL a request with a DELETE method.
All previous requests from the Cloud Controller to the Service Broker contains the
X-Broker-Api-Version HTTP header. It designates the Service Broker API (e.g.
2.4) supported by the Cloud Controller.
Managing Service Brokers
Once the previous endpoints are implemented, the SB can be registered to Cloud Foundry to be exposed to applications with the following command:
$ cf create-service-broker SERVICE_BROKER_NAME USERNAME PASSWORD http://broker-url/
To check if the service broker is successfully implemented
$ cf service-brokers
Other possible management operations are available to update, rename or delete a service borker
$ cf update-service-broker SERVICE_BROKER_NAME USERNAME PASSWORD http://broker-url/
$ cf delete-service-broker SERVICE_BROKER_NAME
Once the SB is created in CF database, its plans can be viewed with:
$ cf service-access
By default, the plans are all disabled, pick the service name from the output of the previous command and then:
$ cf enable-service-access SERVICE_NAME # enable access to service
$ cf marketplace -s SERVICE_NAME # output service plans
Managing Services
Once a service broker is available in the marketplace, an instance of the service can be created:
Then service instances can be seen with:
$ cf services
Connecting service to application
To be able to connect an application to a service (running on a different network) and communicate with it, a route should be added through the definition of a
Security group. Security groups allows you to control the outbound traffic of a CF app
$ cf create-security-group my_security_settings security.json
The content of security.json is as follows
"protocol": "tcp",
"destination": "",
Then, binding to a service instance should be performed as follows:
Now, the application running on CF can access service instances through the credentials available from the environment variable
- Managed services in CloudFoundry - link
- CloudFoundry and Apache Brooklyn for automating PaaS with a Service Broker - link
- Leveraging Riak with CloudFoundry - link