mardi 24 février 2015

Installing Cloud Foundry v2 locally on Vagrant

Cloud Foundry (CF)

CloundFoundry (CF) is one of the many PaaS available out there that aims to empower developers to build their applications (e.g. web) without caring about infrastructure details. The PaaS handles the deployment, scaling and management of the apps in the cloud data center, thus boosting the developer productivity.
CF has many advantages over other PaaS solutions as it is open source, it has a fast growing community and many big cloud actors are involved in the development and spreading it adoption. It also can be run anywhere even on a laptop and this what this post is about. So keep reading..


- Bosh is an open-source platform that helps deploying/managing systems on cloud infrastructures (AWS, OpenStack/CloudStack, vSphere, vCloud, ect).
- Bosh Lite is a lightweight version of Bosh that can be used to deploy systems locally by using Vagrant instead of cloud infrastructure (e.g. AWS) and Linux Containers (Warden project) for to run your system instead of VMs.
- Stemcell is a template VM that will be used by Bosh to create VMs and deploy them to the cloud. I contains essentially an OS (e.g. CentOS) and a Bosh Agent in order to be controlled.

1. Install Git
sudo apt-get install git

2. Install VirtualBox
$ sudo echo "deb precise contrib" >> /etc/apt/sources.list
or create a new .list file as described in this thread.
$ wget -q -O- | sudo apt-key add -
$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get install virtualbox-4.3
$ sudo apt-get install dkms
$ VBoxManage --version

3. Install Vagrant (the known version to work with bosh-lite is 1.6.3 - link)
$ wget
$ sudo dpkg -i vagrant_1.6.3_x86_64.deb
$ vagrant --version
Vagrant 1.6.3

Check if vagrant is correctly working with the installed virtual box
vagrant init hashicorp/precise32
$ vagrant up

4. Install Ruby(using RVM) + RubyGems + Bundler
4.1. Install rvm
curl -sSL | gpg --import -
$ curl -sSL | bash -s stable
$ source /home/{username}/.rvm/scripts/rvm
$ rvm --version

4.2. Install latest ruby version
rvm install 1.9.3-p551
$ ruby -v
ruby 1.9.3p551 (2014-11-13 revision 48407) [x86_64-linux]

5. Install Bosh CLI (check the prerequisites for the target OS here)
- Note that Bosh CLI is not suppored on windows - github issue
$ sudo apt-get install build-essential libxml2-dev libsqlite3-dev libxslt1-dev libpq-dev libmysqlclient-dev
gem install bosh_cli

6. Install Bosh-Lite
git clone
$ cd bosh-lite
$ vagrant up --provider=virtualbox

In case the following message is seen The guest machine entered an invalid state while waiting for it to boot, then:
  • check if virtualisation (Intel VT-x / AMD-V for 32bits or Intel EPT / AMD RVI for 64bits) is enabled on target system here. If not then enable it from the BIOS, for ESXi check link1 and link2 and add vhv.enable = "TRUE" to the vm configuration file (i.e. vmx) and make sure the VM is of version 9. 
  • You may also have to check if USB 2.0 controller is enabled, if it is then disable it.
Target the BOSH Director
$ cd ..
$ bosh target lite
$ bosh login
Your username: admin
Enter password: *****

Logged in as `admin'

Setup a route between the laptop and the VMs running inside Bosh Lite
$ cd bosh-lite
$ ./bin/add-route

7. Deploy Cloud Foundry
Install spiff
$ brew tap xoebus/homebrew-cloudfoundry

$ brew install spiff

$ spiff
To install spiff on linux systems check this issue.

Upload latest stemcell
$ bosh upload stemcell latest-bosh-stemcell-warden.tgz
Check the stemcells
$ bosh stemcells

Upload latest CF release
git clone
$ export CF_RELEASE_DIR=$PWD/cf-release/
bosh upload release cf-release/releases/cf-XXX.yml

Deploy CF releases
$ cd bosh-lite/
$ ./bin/provision_cf
$ bosh target check the target director
$ bosh vms    check the installed VMs on the cloud

Manually (to be continued)
Generate a configuration file manifests/cf-manifest.yml
$ mkdir -p go
$ export GOPATH=~/go
$ cd bosh-lite

Deploy release
$ bosh deploy

Install CF CLI

Play with CF
$ cf api --skip-ssl-validation
$ cf login
$ cf create-org ORG_NAME
$ cf orgs
$ cf target -o ORG_NAME
cf create-space SPACE_NAME
$ cf target -o ORG_NAME -s SPACE_NAME

To access the VM from the LAN (i.e. another machine):
  1. Install an HTTP Proxy (e.g. squid3),
  2. Configure CF HTTP_PROXY environment variable, and 
  3. Configure the proxy:
       $ sudo nano /etc/squid3/squid.conf 
       acl local_network src
       http_access allow local_network

Stopping CF
Shooting down bosh-lite VM can be surprisingly tricky. May better stop the VM with:

  • vagrant suspend to save current state for next start up, or
  • vagrant halt, then next time to start CF use vagrant up followed by bosh cck (documentation).

$ bosh ssh then choose the job to access (password: admin)
bosh_something@something:~$ sudo /var/vcap/bosh/bin/monit summary
Find the Bosh Lite IP address
$ cd bosh-lite/
$ vagrant ssh
vagrant@agent-id-bosh-0:~$ ifconfig
vagrant@agent-id-bosh-0:~$ exit

Complete installation script can be found here.

  • Installing latest versions for virtualbox and vagrant - link
  • Installing ruby with rvm - link.
  • DIY PaaS (CF v1) running DEA link1, stagging applications link2.
  • Deploying CF Playground (a kind of web admin interface) - link
  • Installing CF on vagrant - link video
  • Installing BOSH lite - github repotutorial
  • Deploying CF using BOSH lite - github repo, demo
  • Installing a new hard drive - link
  • a free internet service providing DNS wildcard - link
  • Troubleshooting with Bosh CLI - official doc, app healthmonit summary
  • Remotely debug a CF application - link
  • CloudFoundry manifest.yml generator - link