In addition to managing Docker resources (including containers, images, hosts) through the official CLI, there is plenty of solutions available in the community to manage Docker resources in a comprehensive way from a single web-based interface.
- Check the states of the images (running, stopped)
- Remove images
- Start, Stop, Kill and Remove containers
DockerUI can be used with the following commands
1. Building the web app from the github repository and tag the build image
$docker build -t crosbymichael/dockerui
2. Launch the built container, make the web app available on the 9000 port and connect to the docker uinx socket to remotely control docker
$docker run -p 9000:9000 -v /var/run/docker.sock:/docker.sock crosbymichael/dockerui -e /docker.sock
Then on the browser, visit localhot:9000 to get something like:
- Authentication
- Building new images by uploading local Dockerfile or providing URLs to a remote location
- In the browser terminal emulation for attaching containers
- Visualizing CPU and memory utilization of the running images
- ...
1. To use Shipyard, issue to pull the image from the Docker public index:
$docker run -i -t -v /var/run/docker.sock:/docker.sock shipyard/deploy setup
Now, we can register as admin to Shipyard on http://localhost:8000/
2. Install the latest release (e.g. v0.2.5) of Shipyard agent on every hosts to collect the information on Docker resources:
$curl -L -o /usr/local/bin/shipyard-agent
$chmod +x /usr/local/bin/shipyard-agent
3. Run the agent and register to the main host where Shipyard is running
$/usr/local/bin/shipyard-agent -url http://localhost:8000 -register
4. On the Shipyard interface, authorize the agents already deployed to enable them.
5. Run the agent with the given key at registration:
$/usr/local/bin/shipyard-agent -url http://localhost:8000 -key agent_key
Troubleshooting, in case you get this message:
Error requesting images from Docker: Get
Then stop the Docker service and re-start it while enabling Remote API access for any IP address:
$sudo service docker stop
$docker -H tcp:// -H unix:///var/run/docker.sock -d &
happy dockering
Once our containers are running, DockerUI can be use to manage the overall system. It's a simple web app with basic features for:- Check the states of the images (running, stopped)
- Remove images
- Start, Stop, Kill and Remove containers
DockerUI can be used with the following commands
1. Building the web app from the github repository and tag the build image
$docker build -t crosbymichael/dockerui
2. Launch the built container, make the web app available on the 9000 port and connect to the docker uinx socket to remotely control docker
$docker run -p 9000:9000 -v /var/run/docker.sock:/docker.sock crosbymichael/dockerui -e /docker.sock
Then on the browser, visit localhot:9000 to get something like:
Shipyard is a more advanced Docker management solution based on a client-server architecture where the agents (i.e. clients) collect information on Docker resources and report them to the Shipyard server. It providers in addition to the features available in DockerUI:- Authentication
- Building new images by uploading local Dockerfile or providing URLs to a remote location
- In the browser terminal emulation for attaching containers
- Visualizing CPU and memory utilization of the running images
- ...
1. To use Shipyard, issue to pull the image from the Docker public index:
$docker run -i -t -v /var/run/docker.sock:/docker.sock shipyard/deploy setup
Now, we can register as admin to Shipyard on http://localhost:8000/
2. Install the latest release (e.g. v0.2.5) of Shipyard agent on every hosts to collect the information on Docker resources:
$curl -L -o /usr/local/bin/shipyard-agent
$chmod +x /usr/local/bin/shipyard-agent
3. Run the agent and register to the main host where Shipyard is running
$/usr/local/bin/shipyard-agent -url http://localhost:8000 -register
4. On the Shipyard interface, authorize the agents already deployed to enable them.
5. Run the agent with the given key at registration:
$/usr/local/bin/shipyard-agent -url http://localhost:8000 -key agent_key
Troubleshooting, in case you get this message:
Error requesting images from Docker: Get
Then stop the Docker service and re-start it while enabling Remote API access for any IP address:
$sudo service docker stop
$docker -H tcp:// -H unix:///var/run/docker.sock -d &
happy dockering