Here are the steps you need to configure your environment to start building Rails web applications.
Installing Git
Rails ecosystem depends tremendously on
Git a
very powerful version control system. Git must be installed at first as
you will see it every time you google any Rails package.
on a Debian-based distribution like Ubuntu, you have to type following instruction to install Git:
$ apt-get install git-core
You may find detailed installation instructions for your platform at the
Installing Git section of the book
Pro Git.
Installing Ruby
Next thing to do is to install Ruby, for this you need first to install
Ruby Version Manager (RVM).
RVM primary goal is helping you to install and manage multiple versions
of Ruby on the same machine. Following are the steps for installing RVM
on Linux, more details can be found in
RVM Installation.
You need curl, if you don't have you can installed on Ubuntu by typing:
$ apt-get install curl
Then download RVM
$ curl -L | bash -s stable
Load RVM
$ source ~/.rvm/scripts/rvm
Check requirements for installing RVM and follow the instructions:
$ rvm requirements
Finally, now you can install Ruby (1.9.3 is latest version)
$ rvm install 1.9.3
For Windows (using Cygwin) check this
rbenv is another ruby sandboxing tool lighter and faster than rvm, you can use both in similar way.
Installing RubyGems
is a useful package manager for Ruby projects that may save you a lot
of time as there are many useful libraries (including Rails) available
as Ruby packages, or gems. RubyGems should be automatically installed if
you had successfully installed RVM easy once you install Ruby. You may
use following command to check its availability:
$ which gem
Installing Rails
Finally, we are ready for installing Rails framework and star building great web applications. Rails can installed as follows:
$ gem install rails -v 3.2.3
To check Rails installation, run following command to see version number:
$ rails -v
Rails 3.2.3
If you’re running Linux, you might have to install a couple of other packages at this point:
$ sudo apt-get install libxslt-dev libxml2-dev libsqlite3-dev # Linux only
You want to configure Ruby on Rails on a virtual machine based on
Bodhi Linux 1.4.0 Stable which is a light distro based on Ubuntu 10.04 LTS. I may be useful to use which is configuration file that will install most of the things described earlier and other useful gems.
These are the instruction for configuring your vm and testing a sample web applications:
- Create a new VM with 256 MB RAM and 4GB HD (VirtualBox > New)
- Mount bodhi_1.4.0.iso as a live CD (VirtualBox > Settings > Storage)
- Install Bodhi Linux (VirtualBox > *your_VM* > Start)
- sudo apt-get update, sudo apt-get upgrade
- sudo apt-get install git-core (there's no git on Bodhi preinstalled)
- mkdir -p Documents (there's no Documents directory/folder by default)
- wget -O
- chmod +x
- ./ (setups the necessary development environment ~ 2h!)
- cd Documents
- mkdir -p hw2_rottenpotatoes_2012 (for my fork of the official repo)*
- git clone git://
- cp -r hw2_rottenpotatoes hw2_rottenpotatoes_2012
- cd hw2_rottenpotatoes_2012
- bundle install --without production
- bundle exec rake db:migrate
- rails server
You may have to look for other useful resources: